Short History of Fernando Maramag Fernando Mamuri Maramag was born on January 21, 1893 in Ilagan, Isabela. He was educated in the Philippine Normal School, and then transferred to the University of the Philippines. He worked as teacher at the Instituto de Manila, which later became the University of Manila. He was also writer and editor at several magazines, including Rising Philippines, Citizen, Philippine National Weekly, Philippines Herald, and The Tribune.
He also served in the Publication Division of the Department of Justice, and then transferred to the office of the President of the Senate under Manuel L. Quezon. A poet and essayist, Maramag translated Ibanag folk songs into English, such as the “Cagayanon Labor Song,” “A Translation of an Orphan’s Song,” and “Cagayano Peasant Song”. His poems include “To a Youth,” “The Aetheist,” and “Moonlight on Manila Bay”. His essays were anthologized in Leopoldo Yabes’ Filipino Essays in English 1910-1954 (1954).
He passed away on October 23, 1936. Meaning of rural maid.. The Rural Maid is a lyric poem following the structure of a sonnet. A sonnet is a fixed verse form usually of 14 lines, but occasionally 12 or 16, with a sophisticated rhyme scheme. It is a Shakespearean sonnet, in particular, with the rhyme scheme being abab, cdcd, efef, ghgh. The poem also has a full or perfect rhyme, and specifically, a masculine rhyme (one, final stressed syllable rhyme).
Furthermore, its meter is an iambic tetrameter (8 syllables per line, 4 measures per line with 2 syllables per measure). Old English words, such as: thy, thee, perchance, thine, thou art stand out throughout the lines and stanzas. The poem is actually quite reminiscent of Shakespeare’s contemporary – Christopher Marlowe’s poem “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love”, which was written in the 1590s and which is about a shepherd persuading a nymph to be his companion. It is interesting to note, too, that in terms of structure, Fernando M.
Maramag’s poem is formal, (considering relations between parts: past, present and future) and thematic (it has a plot or story). In my opinion, I think the poem is about a man who was in love with a maid ( could possibly be his maid ). But because of the difference in wealth or societies disagreement between the two lovers, she had to leave and the poet is describing the feeling of his broken heart. Also in the last paragraph, he states that if he could just hold her once more it would be like both Heaven and the Earth was his and a broken heart would be repaired.