


Dragons are well known across many cultures. The Eastern and Western interpretations of dragons differs in many ways. The anatomy, behavior, their symbolism, and what they mean to society are the main differences. The east valued dragons for their magic and beauty. In the West dragons were viewed as monsters. The Eastern dragons anatomy was drastically different than that of the Western dragon. Their skeletal structure is longer and thinner than the Western dragon. They had a very long neck, short legs, small hips, and a long tail. The skeletal structure also allowed for it to twist and turn like a snake.

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Eastern dragons do not have wings, but they can still fly using magic. Male Eastern dragons also have a large fluffy mane. The Western dragon’s skeletal structure consists of a large head, long neck, broad shoulders, thick legs, strong tail, and very large wings. Their bones are also very strong, hollow, and light allowing for flight. Western dragons also have stronger muscles than their Eastern counterparts. Western dragons also have huge, leathery wings similar to that of a bat. The Western dragon can also breathe fire. The behavior of the Eastern and Western dragons differs greatly.

The Eastern dragon is usually shown protecting mortal people, or controlling the elements. The Western dragons on the other hand, are usually seen as monsters and are shown attacking humans, and laying waste to small towns, villages, or even heavily guarded castles. As you can see there are many differences between these two interpretations of dragons. I think that the main difference between these two types of dragons is that the Eastern species were protectors and society valued them, and the Western dragons were destroyers, and viewed as monsters.


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