A Rose for Emily Essay – Introduction: Plot Summary
A. Introduction Plot summary This story about a woman, who is called Emily. she came from a rich family . She’s elegant woman ,but she is strange woman in the world . so anyone or people in her village could not understand about her. She doesn’t have mother but she only had a father. They lived in big house in a little village. Her father didn’t married again so he needed and love Emily very much. And didn’t want anyone take away her from him. But she wanted to have boy friends, because she always feel lonely,but every man who wanted to date with her,her father always rejected all of them,because he was afraid to be left alone.
Because of this he forbade Emily to see men and this was not good for Emily ,shevalso got afraid to be abandoned and would do anything to keep the men ,who she loved. When her father dead,she could not let go of him and she never showed claim that her father was still alive. the day after his death all the ladies prepared to call at the house and offer condolence and aid,miss Emily met them at the door and with no grief on her face. She told them that her father was not dead she did that for three days ,with the minister calling on her ,and the doctors trying to persuade her to let them dispose of the body.
Just as they were about to resort to law and force,she broke down and they buried her father quickly. The town had just let the contracts for paving the side walks,and in the summer after her father deadh they began the work ,after her father dead,she could finally have men in her life he was one of them. His name was Homer Barron he was a big,dark,ready man,with big voice,black yankee he is a foremen from the construction company came with niggers and mules and machinery.
Emily very loved him and expected that he wanted to marry her,the people thought they would get married because Emily had already bought equipment for married such as jeweler’s,a complete outfit of men’s clothing. but unfortunately he claimed that he was not marryng type. emily felt hurt in her heart. Because she would him but he remarked persuade him so, she went to a druggist and bought a poison,the arsenic,that it was for rats. The people thought that she would commit suicide and they said it would be the best thing . he killed him because she was afraid to be abandoned by homer,she wanted to be with homer forever but homer didn’t ,the only way to be with him forever was to murder him. After Homer disappeared, there is a nasty smell around Emily’s house. The neighbours didn’t have the courage to tell Emily that they bothered by the smell. So they sneaked to her house at night and they threw lime in her garden. The smell went away. and they didn’t know what happened ,it’s actually Homer dead body was not buried by her.
That was when people had begun to feel really sorry her and they remembering how old lady wyatt,her great aunt ,had gone completely crazy at last. During a period of six or seven years ,when she was about fourty , which she gave lesson in china painting ,but she could not do it longer because the new generation didn’t send their children to her. after her painting lesson she was hardly seen again, the people only saw her through the window sometimes ,when they throwing lime in her yard. m. Many years passed and nobody had been able to visit her in that time.
She didn’t want to see anyone and didn’t leave her house. When the people saw Miss Emil ,she had grown fat and her hair was turning grey . during the next few years it grew grayer and grayer until it attained an even pepper -and –salt-iron –gray ,and up to the day of her death at seventy-four . they didn’t even know she was sick, she fell ill. she died in one of the downstairs rooms ,in a heavy walnut bed with a curtain,her gray head propped on a pillow yellow and moldy with age and lack of sunlight.
Many people from the village came to her house out of curiousity.. They looked around in her house and they found a room upstairs that was difficult to open. Already they knew that there was one room in that region above stairs which no one had seen in forty years ,and which would have to be forced . They waited until Miss Emily was decently in the ground before they opened it. The people from the village finally understood where that rotten smell coming from . it came from Homer’s crops.
The people took a closer look and they saw an indentation of a head on the pillow next to Homer ,with a grey hair on it. This would mean that Emily slept next to Homer’s corps. for a long while they just stood there, looking down at the profound and fleshless grin. The body had apparently once lain in the attitude of an embrace ,but now the long sleep that outlasts love that conquers even the grimace of love ,had cuckolded him. what was left of the night shirt,had become inextricable from the bed in which he lay. hen they noticed that in thesecond pillow was the indentation of a head,one of us lifted something from it that faint and invisible dust dry and acrid in the nostrils,they saw a long strand of iron gray hair. B. Analysis on the intrinsic elements of prose 1. Characteristic Within this story,there are many characters that bring meaning to the plot a)main or major character Emily Main character in this story is Miss Emily,she is a strange woman ,she doesn’t go out much and hardly anyone sees her. Emily was sheltered woman so many people couldn’t understand her.
She was a stubborn because when her father dies she refuses to come to terms with his death and repeatedly claims that her father is still alive. the object of fascination in the story , a eccentric recluse ,Emily is a mysterious figure who changes from a vibrant and hopeful young girl to a cloistered and pity for the town’s people. she was arrogant maybe because she was raised by her father and they family used to be very rich. And her father always taught that she was of a higher class than the rest of the town ,so she was continuously reminded that no man was good enough for her. ot only it she was also arrogant when mayors and aldermen created some little dissatisfaction to her and mailed her a tax notice ,and there was no replied by her,and she didn’t ask them to sit when they came to Emily’s house ,she just stood in the door and listened quietly until the spokesman came to a stumbling halt. Miss Emily was strange and mysterious woman because she didn’t want to see anyone and she didn’t leave her house so many years passed nobody had been able to visit her,she didn’t want to adjust to the new generation and she wouldn’t communication with them.
She is the classic outsider,controlling and limiting the town’s access to her true identify by remaining hidden. the house that shields Emily from the word suggest the mind of the woman who inhabits it. Emily as a monument,but at the same time she is pitied and often demanding to live life on her town term,Emily’s instabilities however lead her an a different direction and the final scene of the story suggest that she is necrophiliac . Necrophiliac is typically means a sexual attraction to deadbodies. t’s mean Emily was a possessive woman because she courage to kill her lover because she was afraid to be abandoned and would do anything to keep the men,this is because she was a very lonely woman and she couldn’t able to get any friend or relation except her boy. and necrophiliac tend to be so controlling in their relationship as they ultimately resort to bonding with unresponsive entities with no resistance in other words with deadbody. b ) subordinate or minor character Homer barron Homer Barron is a foreman from the North. e was a Yankee a big,dark,ready men,with a big voice and eyes lighter than his face he wins many admirers in Jefferson because of his gregarious nature and good sense of humor. He became Emily Grierso’s first real beau. He develops an interest in Emily and takes her for Sunday drives in a yellow-wheeled buggy. Despite his attributes, the townspeople view him as a poor, if not scandalous, choice for a mate. He disappears in Emily’s house and decomposes in an attic bedroom after she kills him. he did it because she would mafrry him but din’t with him,he has remarked her that he is not marrying man and he liked men and it was known that he drank with the younger men in the Elks’ Club. he would never divulge what happened during that interview ,but he refused to go back again. Judge Stevens Judge Steven is a mayor of Jefferson. Eighty years old, Judge Stevens attempts to delicately handle the complaints about the smell emanating from the Grierson property. To be respectful of Emily’s pride and former position in the community, he and the aldermen decide to sprinkle lime on the property in the middle of the night.
Mr. Grierson Mr. Grierson is Emily’s father. Mr. Grierson is a controlling, looming presence even in death, and the community clearly sees his lasting influence over Emily. He deliberately thwarts Emily’s attempts to find a husband in order to keep her under his control. We get glimpses of him in the story: in the crayon portrait kept on the gilt-edged easel in the parlor, and silhouetted in the doorway, horsewhip in hand, having chased off another of Emily’s suitors. Tobe Tobe is Emily’s servant. Tobe, his voice supposedly rusty from lack of use, is the only lifeline that Emily has to the outside world.
For years, he dutifully cares for her and tends Quotation The writer illustrates his point by quotation from a number of sources A`)Necofiliac” Emily having sex with the deadbody—- this statement has in 3rd paragraph of Emily’s character : “Emily’s instabilities, however, lead her in a different direction, and the final scene of the story suggests that she is a necrophiliac. Necrophilia typically means a sexual attraction to dead bodies. In a broader sense, the term also describes a powerful desire to control another, usually in the context of a romantic or deeply personal relationship.
Necrophiliacs tend to be so controlling in their relationships that they ultimately resort to bonding with unresponsive entities with no resistance or will—in other words, with dead bodies. Mr. Grierson controlled Emily, and after his death, Emily temporarily controls him by refusing to give up his dead body. She ultimately transfers this control to Homer, the object of her affection. Unable to find a traditional way to express her desire to possess Homer, Emily takes his life to achieve total power over him. B )“Emily’s loneliness ” Emily has relationship with her father (he forbade her to see men)—this statement has in 1st paragraph of plot summary: “. Her father didn’t married again so he needed and love Emily very much. And didn’t want anyone take away her from him. But she wanted to have boy friends, because she always feel lonely,but every man who wanted to date with her,her father always rejected all of them,because he was afraid to be left alone. Because of this he forbade Emily to see men and this was not good for Emily ,shevalso got afraid to be abandoned and would do anything to keep the men ,who she loved. C) “The insanity in her family” )—this statement has in 4th paragraph of plot summary: “That was when people had begun to feel really sorry her and they remembering how old lady wyatt,her great aunt ,had gone completely crazy at last. she was very lonely woman and because of that she became insane ( insanity runs in her family). She had courage to having with a dead partner,she could do something and it’s very filty and gruesome, because she has crazy hereditary rom her aunt and she had courage to poisoned her lover “. 2. Theme
This story’s theme is loneliness where the mysterious figure of main character,it’s a woman. the author conveys the struggle that comes from trying to maintain tradition in the face of widespread, radical change,she a stubborn and sheltered woman who refuses or perhaps can’t except that the world around her is changing As a living monument to the past, she represents the traditions that people wish to respect and honor; however, she is also a burden and entirely cut off from the outside world, nursing eccentricities that others cannot understand. he most discussion of the short story center on an aristocratic woman deeply admired by a community that places her on a pedestal and sees her as “a tradition, a duty” alive the woman had been a tradition ,a duty and a care ,a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town ,dating from that day in 1984 when colonel Sartorish ,the major he who fathered the edict that no negro woman should appear on the streets without an apron . 3. Setting a. Place The setting of this story takes place in a little town called Jefferson in the Mississipi,its in the South of America..
Miss Emiy’s house was big,squrish frame house that had once been white ,decorated with copulas and spires and scrolled balconies in the heavily lighsome style of seventies ,set on what had once been our most select street. narrator explains how garages and cotton gins had encroached and obliterated event the august names of that neighborhood and only Miss Emily’s house was left lifting its stubborn and coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and gasoline pumps an eyesores among eyesores. b.
Time The story begins in 1894,when Mr. Grierson ,her father dies . The story ends when Emily dies ,when she 74,and its end around 1940. the story was published in 1930. the story also takes plae around that time. in this period of time there was slavery in the south during the representative period. 4. Point of view Altought “A Rose for Emily” is narrated in the first person , the narrator is not “I” but “we”. Thr narrator thus represent a communal rather than an individual pint of view.
The story is told through the eyes of those people ,who live in Jefferson. This means that the story is told by a third person poin of view. This story use “we” its mean people in that village. 5. Style Symbols . A Rose There are many symbol in this story such as the language of ”A Rose for Emily” is descriptive as well as symbolic. A Rose is sympatic symbol to other people,its mean to Emily’ . Emily’s House The words the author chooses to describe the house and Emily coincide . the house is described as having a smell of dust and disuse.
Emily’s house, like Emily herself, is a monument, the only remaining emblem of a dying world of Southern aristocracy. The house is in some ways an extension of Emily: it bares its “stubborn and coquettish decay” to the town’s residents. It is a testament to the endurance and preservation of tradition but now seems out of place among the cotton wagons, gasoline pumps, and other industrial trappings that surround it—just as the South’s old values are out of place in a changing society. Emily’s house also represents alienation, mental illness, and death.
It is a shrine to the living past, and the sealed upstairs bedroom is her macabre trophy room where she preserves the man she would not allow to leave her. The house, like its owner, is an object of fascination for them. They project their own lurid fantasies and interpretations onto the crumbling edifice and mysterious figure inside. Emily’s death is a chance for them to gain access to this forbidden realm and confirm their wildest notions and most sensationalistic suppositions about what had occurred on the inside. . .
About Emily About her body ,she looked bloated ,like a body long submerged in motionless water ,and of that pallid hue,her eyes ,lost in the fatty ridges of her face ,looked like two small pieces of coal pressed into a lump of dough. it’s described as of the setting and of Miss Emily are dark and morbid . the author use of language and choice of words justify the tone and foreshadowing of the story. And the strand of hair is a reminder of love lost and the often perverse things people do in their pursuit of happiness.
The strand of hair also reveals the inner life of a woman who, despite her eccentricities, was committed to living life on her own terms and not submitting her behavior, no matter how shocking, to the approval of others. Emily subscribes to her own moral code and occupies a world of her own invention, where even murder is permissible. The narrator foreshadows the discovery of the long strand of hair on the pillow when he describes the physical transformation that Emily undergoes as she ages.
Her hair grows more and more grizzled until it becomes a “vigorous iron-gray. ” The strand of hair ultimately stands as the last vestige of a life left to languish and decay, much like the body of Emily’s former lover. C . Conclusion This story has some interesting to be told, to be explained,”A Rose for Emily” is by considering its lack of chronological order,such a dissection o the short story initially might appear to weaken it,but this approach allows us to see Faulkner’s genius at work ,particularly his own ,unique way of telling a story. ost discussion of the short story center on Miss Emily Grierson ,an aristocratic woman deeply admired by a community that places her on pedestal and sees her as” a tradition,a duty” or as the unnamed narrator describes her ,”a fallen monument “. in contras to the community’s view ,we realize eventually that Miss Emily is woman who not only poisons and kills her lover, Homer Barron, but sehe keeps his rotting corpse in her bedroom and sleeps next to it for many years . the ending of the story emphasizes the length of time Miss Emily must have sleep with her dead lover.
This story also has theme about theme ,its about death,death is prevalent ,both literary and figuratively in” A Rose for Emily”. Five actual death are discussed or mentioned in passing , and there are obvious references to death throughout the story . The story begins in section one with the narrator’s recollections of Emily’s funeral. this story has flashback and foreshadowing are two often used literary devices that utilize time in order to produce a desire effect. flashback are used to present action that occurs before the beginning of story.