A Zoo Can Teach You
Q1. How has San diego adopted a Process perspective? Ans: San Diego has adopted the process according to the following way 1. Competitive environment: As San Diego had $75 Million revenue but there it faced the competitors like walt Disney and Anheuser-Busch owner of the nearby sea world that were the real gorillas. So to face such competition, it had to redesign its process to get high market share otherwise it might get a part of history. 2. Internal Changes:
Due to the world renowned scientific and conservation organization, it has to change it technical standard to cope with the environmental regulation and management challenges. As it has functional structure that everyone was throwing his responsibility on other, so it gives pace to change the organizational environment. 3. IT infrastructure: Similarly, introduction of the IT get boom in the world due to its capability of work, so through it , the Zoo had chance to downsize it human resource and increase its efficiency.
So the above three main them were the major catalyst to change the process perspective from existed to a new and efficient system with dramatic improvement. Q2:Contrast the process management approach used by the zoo with the traditional functional management view point? Ans:in traditional functional management, zoo had 50 departments which solely were working on functional basis. Entire organization was divided in departments and hierarchy. So no one was care for the zoo except of it retention of job. There was no harmony among the employees of the zoo and didn’t care for each other.
So if one was throwing cigarette trash on the way, he did it because he was thinking that the swiper is responsible to dispose it off. In contrast, when the process management introduced in the zoo, it made the cross functional teams of the employees and delete the functional structure which create harmony among the employees. Now there is only three departments but all are working on the process basis, not on functional basis. Now every employee feels more from his responsibility and so they care for each other which in turn strengthen the operations of zoo.
Q3:How transformations change individual behavior? Give Example. Ans:Re-engineering transformations change the entire structure of the organization which in turn creates the change in individual behavior. First there was every one working and throw responsibility on other to do, and had no care for each other,. But now they are working in cross functional teams that support each other. It created responsibility in every employee to contribute more and more to the team contributions.
Example: First trash was throwing by a person considering that to remove it is the responsibility of the sweeper, but now due to transformation every employees support each other. Q4:what new roles top zoo executives now perform? What are they previously doing they do not need to do as much now? Ans: first executive were considering that only governance and planning are the main responsibility of them and they were bore of their work and was not getting interest in the zoo. But now due to transformation, their roles also changed and they are also the part of the teams.
So now thay can better understand the work for which they were planning. Now the hierarchal walls are removed and they have close relationship with other employees. Q5:How should the success of the zoo’s transformation be measured? Ans: the success of the zoo transformation is to be measured in the following ways a. Human resource reduction 37. 4% b. 20% increase in attendance c. At $12 it cost is less than half as it does at Disney land. d. Profit margin is more than half in stiff competition e. More efficient services to the visitors f. Better fun to the visitors By Majid Khan Afridi