
Arb Part 1 Sample
The Analytical Commentary for Part 1 Prescribed Exam GC1 Design GC1. 1 The project 9 Crescent Road (A) meets the required criteria by demonstrating how analysis, research, context, budget, preparation and development of a brief inform a design proposal. 1. 1. 1 Analysis of information is sourced throughout Work Stages A-C: (Stages A-B) • Initial (A1) client brief • Site Survey (A6) • Design Brief (A2) analysing the client’s spatial requirements • Fee Proposal (A4) embodies a documented analysis of the brief (Stage C) Researched information informs the design; with guidelines/constraints, such as Local Authority and Conservation Policy (A9), along with specialist consultant’s reports – including Day Lighting and Sunlighting Report (dealing with potential changes in lighting) (A20), and the Arboricultural Report (A21) (detailing construction proximity in conjunction with a Tree Preservation Order) 1. 1. 2 Research conducted throughout Work Stage B establishes a basis for the design. Work Stage C shows compliance of the design to required policies: Stage B) • Previous local planning history (A7) and house history (A8) (Stages B-C) • Local Planning Guidelines & Policies (A9), stipulate physical guidelines and materials • Consultants Reports (A17 – A22) 1. 1. 3 Context is covered in Stages B-D showing how the design relates to its urban environment: • Site Location (A27. 1) • Concept (A11) • Final Plans, Elevation & Sections (A27. 4); Accommodating contemporary living, and forming a credible relationship with the surroundings 1. 1. Budget within the Fee Proposal (A4) dictates the scale and element options. For consideration, the budget included costings to for renovation, and for new build [With VAT reduction] 1. 1. 5 Preparation and development of the brief through initial assessment, research, context and budget, informs the design process. Analysis of initial findings through dialogue and review (A13 and A14) aid in producing the final design (A27). In addition to the above project, I refer to the following, which also meet the criteria: Albany Park Road (B)
Duncombe Place (N) The Town House (O) GC1. 2 9 Crescent Road, Stage D (B16 – B18), demonstrates the criteria via the Planning Application, with compliance to regulatory frameworks, combined with an awareness of health & safety considerations that guide design and building construction. 1. 2. 1 Regulatory frameworks enforce standards, and the Planning Application is designed in response: • Local Authority Planning policy, e. g. sustainability requires 20% energy efficient building design – provided by passive insulation and photovoltaic panels.
In addition, waste management is provided for, through the provision of refuse recycling (A26, p2) • Liverpool Road Conservation Area 5 Policy (A9. 1) demands considered use of materials and mouldings (A9. 1, p2), to protect the urban fabrics of the street, and surrounding areas • Building Regulations considerations are integrated into the Planning Application, e. g. the stairs comply with Approved Document Part K1 (A27. 4, (PL)10B), [the rise and going, handrail positioning, minimum headroom and landing spacing adjacent to door openings ect] . 2. 2 Health & Safety considerations within the final design are intended to avoid unnecessary risk during the construction, occupation and maintenance of the property (A23): • In line with the Construction Design and Management (CDM) 2007 and co-ordination of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 – The client is responsible for the appointment of a CDM co-ordinator to supervise the build. • Building incorporates the use of long life materials to reduce maintenance. Tilt and turn windows facilitate safe cleaning. GC1. 3
Architectural histories and theories, of physical, artistic and cultural context, and their use in informing the design process: Criteria has been met through Stage D Design Evaluation (A25), which describes the historical, artistic, and architectural considerations that allow the impact of the final design to positively contribute to the context of the street – ensuring indigenous satisfaction, and Local Authority approval. In addition to the above project, I refer to the following: Duncombe Place (N) GC1. 4 My ability to work as part of a team is evidenced in my work reference (F); a supporting letter from Mr.
John Dyer-Grimes. Working as an architectural assistant within a multi-disciplinary team, it is essential to work in communicate clearly and collaborate: Sharing information and insights liaising with clients, consultants, contractors and suppliers, and ensuring the effective delivery of works, and standards of operation. — End of Criteria Category: Design — GC2 Technology and Environment GC2. 1 I have met the criteria through Building Technology Year 1 and Year 2 modules: covering the principles involved in building technologies, environmental design and construction methods, with an emphasis on sustainable design.
Supporting material for this is an academic reference (K1) provided by Jill Eggleston, Teesside University, with module handbooks (M1 & M2), in conjunction with my Diploma Supplement (J2). Further practical can be found in White Lodge Technical Study (C1), supported by a work reference from the Project Architect Michael Gwynn (G1): Attendance on site with the Project Architect provided the opportunity to observe and discuss the process of assembly, which has developed my understanding of structural principles and construction methods with consideration to the natural world, and environmental design.
The Technical Study details and analyses a section of the new build through: • Construction methods (C1, Section 1) assessing the selected substructure, superstructure and primarily elements and the process of assembly. • Building technologies (C1, Section 2) evaluates the structural components and functions, and use of materials. • Environmental design (C1, Section 3) examines the built environment working in conjunction with natural world. For example, the kitchen and main living space is primarily south facing with a glass wall to take maximum advantage of the available natural light.
In addition, the protruding canopy above acts to mitigate excessive levels of solar gain. • Further environmental considerations are made for ventilation and the use of sustainable technologies, and materials. • The study also examines how the relationship between human well-being and the natural world can attribute to the welfare of future generations through design and consideration for a sustainable environment (C1, Section 4). For example, the structure allows for future flexibility with possibilities to reconfigure the internal layout and expand the basement to meet changing demands of future occupants.
Furthermore, the Town House (O) is a sustainable environmental design project illustrating the relationship between human well-being, the welfare of the future generations and the natural world, through regeneration, the integration of sustainable materials, and related technologies. The social, economic and environmental benefits of sustainable development is delivered through reduced carbon footprints – not only during constructiont, but also by making the home more energy efficient to run.
In addition, to the above examples, I refer to Hemingford Road Detail Construction Drawings (E1) illustrating an amendment to an on-going process of assembly with structural considerations for the introduction of extra foundations, drainage, plumbing and electrical services. GC2. 2 Working as an architectural assistant I have a good understanding of the impact on design of legislation; as shown through section examples GC1. 2 and GC5. 2. Most specifically, 9 Crescent Road is designed to conform to Local Planning Policy in regards to Residential Extensions (Jan 1982) (A9. ). In this situation, the rear extension does not exceed 3 metres from the pre-existing rear facade. Furthermore, there will be provision for a gap of 1m between the flank wall of the extension and the boundary fence. SMGA adheres to the codes of practice outlined in Architects Code: Standard of Conduct and Practice (2010) (I4), and RIBA Chartered Practice Manual 2010-2011 (I5). Health and safety considerations are identified and, where possible, eliminated via the production of the CDM Assessment (A23).
In addition, for 10 Stonehill Road, I submitted a Design and Access Statement (D3. 1) describing compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act and Part M of the Building Regulations. — End of Criteria Category: Technology and Environment — GC3 Cultural Context GC3. 1 My dissertation (P) examines how retail and economic growth contributes to the influences on the contemporary built environment of individual buildings and the design of cities through past and present societies evolving demands, and wider global issues: iding in future sustainability and change GC3. 2 Criteria for the histories and theories of architecture and urban design, the history of ideas, and the related disciplines of art, cultural studies and landscape studies has been met through study at university through a series of lectures and assignments, with details in the following references: (J2) Diploma Supplement (L) Teesside University Reference: Richard Sober (M3) Historical Studies in Interior Architecture and Design (M4) Contextual Studies in Spatial Design P) Dissertation: Coffee and Clothing Preserving a Changing City (Q) Essay: Expectation of Spaces GC3. 3 9 Crescent Road (A) meets the criteria through considered judgements about the spatial, aesthetic, technical and social qualities of a design within the scope and scale of a wider environment. 3. 3. 1 Spatial requirements have changed substantially since the building was erected in the 1850’s: The existing architecture (A27. 3) fulfilled the occupants requirements with a centrally sited chimney, modest room proportions, and small apertures to retain heat efficiently.
The proposed architecture (A27. 4) incorporates technical advancements and high grade materials (A22), which enables open plan living, without compromise to comfort, through the use of high u-value materials and new efficient services. The level of energy conservation performance will be to a higher standard (A19). 3. 3. 2 Aesthetics of the existing 7 and 9 Crescent Road properties are disproportionate. 9 Crescent Road is utterly unmatched; being notably disjointed in design, scale and detailing.
As well as having been constructed in different periods, the properties form a strange juxtaposition, at odds with the more uniform pairing of dwellings present in Crescent Road. Compared to its partner at no. 9, the building at no. 7 is significantly larger, more elaborate, and more in keeping with the Edwardian tone of the developments in the area. Thus, the proposal (A27. 6) was to demolish the existing building and replace it with a new single dwelling of a scale and design more in keeping with the immediate surroundings, with a vernacular echoing that of no. . 3. 3. 4 Social qualities – the building does not engage directly with the public realm as it is a private residence. However, sited within a conservation area it has been aesthetically designed to meet Local Authority and residents’ expectations. Furthermore, the proposed building does not negatively impact on the neighbouring properties’ amenity (A20). GC3. 4 Criteria is met within the Design Evaluation (A25) document for 9 Crescent Road; part of the remit for this document was to reflect upon the spatial, aesthetic and technical qualities of the proposal.
In order to do this the Design Evaluation also included for the client, key influences to relate the chosen design to the work of others – helping to ground the choices made within a considered architectural context. Regular internal reviews, and client/contractor Design Meetings (A27 & A14) provided further forums to discuss and reflect upon the formation of the proposed design. Feedback from these review sessions (A18 – A24) proved valuable and enabled me to relate the work specifications into a directed, and concise, final design (A27).
A further example can be found in the Town House project (O), which shows my ability to reflect upon and relate the ideas of green architecture, and the work of other architects, to aid in achieving a reduced emission build with sustainable materials (O8 – O11). Reflecting on the success of projects such as The Light House, I incorporated these principles into my design for the project (O12). This project underwent an academic review and presentation, and was subject to feedback, and questions, from peers and tutors.
This feedback was then incorporated into the documentation (O3 – O7) and informed the final production (O13-O16) In addition to the above project, I refer to the following: Duncombe Place (N) — End of Criteria Category: Cultural Context — GC4 Communication GC4. 1 Supporting Document: Work Reference from John Dyer-Grimes (F) 9 Crescent Road meets the required criteria by showing appropriate methods and media to clearly convey and appraise the design and proposal. 4. 1. 1 Visual Representation is illustrated in Stages B – D through the use of: (Stage B) (Stage C-D)
Together these depictions aid the Planning Application by demonstrating, and clearly communicating, the context of the design. 4. 1. 2 Verbal and written communication is essential to convey, and discuss ideas. (Stage A-B) (Stage D) In addition, to the above project I refer to the following: Albany Park Road (B) Hemingford Road (E) GC4. 2 The conventions of architectural representations are evidenced through the works listed in CG4. 1 4. 2. 1 2D & 3D computer drafting combination of lighting, spatial representation, materials and applied finishes. 4. 2. 2 Physical model ( A16) White card Concept Model of 9 Crescent Road
GC4. 3 Criteria covered through the projects listed in CG4. 1: working as an architectural assistant I have to listen, and critically respond to views of others: • Listening when assigned a task, researching and/or composing a Planning Application and information gathered from consultants e. g. Heritage Statement (A17) • Responding to instructions and intelligently incorporating contributing information in conjunction with original solutions (A27). • Personal development incorporates both listening and responding, and is aided by formal monthly reviews, detailed below in 5. . — End of Criteria Category: Communication — GC5 Management Practice and Law Supporting material for GC5 is a work reference from Mr John Dyer-Grimes (F) Other supporting references: Time sheets (H) Office manual (I) GC5. 1 I have experienced of business management and how a small business operates. Contributing to a working architectural practice, the main features of this include: (2010) (I) with the established Stages of Works As regards to this working practice, there are specific legal requirements: GC5. 2
My working practice as an architectural assistant at SMGA deals with how buildings are designed in the context of architectural practice and the frameworks of the construction industry. Supporting work references supplied by Mr John Dyer-Grimes (F) and Mr Michael Gwynn (G). My specific responsibilities include: • RIBA Plan of Works – Primarily work through stages B-D • Town and County Planning Act 1990 – Responsible for assisting with outline design. • Consultant management, in the production of supporting information required for planning (A17 – A22). • Addressing the Town and County
Planning Act (1990), Planning (Listed Building & Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and Planning Policy Guidance (PPG), in the production of planning applications. • Consideration for Construction Design and Management (1997) and ensure the appointment of a CDM coordinator where required – such as when working on a new build with a developer. . GC5. 3 SMGA requires me to manage and appraise my own working practice, whether working independently or collaboratively. • 5. 3. 1 Assessing my performance: Monthly reviews provide an opportunity to formally discuss how I feel I am performing, and plan future developments.
For example, in January 2011 I expressed an interest in learning Vectorworks and received tuition in February for basic skills. Then in June 2011 I expressed an interest in taking the advanced skills class and attended on July 13th (R4). • 5. 3. 2 Working independently self assessment and management allows me to meet the specified criteria within an appointed framework via the best route available, and – if needed – advise, with adequate notice, as to why an appointed framework be better amended, and adapt to the outcome of the ensuing dialogue.
Further demonstration of my self assessment can be seen in my curriculum vitae (R1) and covering letter (R2), where I summarise my professional profile, ethos of my work focus, appraise my skills, and potential contributions to a company. • 5. 3. 3 Collaboratively producing and submitting a planning application in an effective manner – which relates to and includes supporting documentation from others – requires mutual co-ordination and appraisal to ensure no element is lacking or contradictory (A1-A27). — End of Criteria Category: Management Practice and Law— — End of Document —