Education and Study Habits
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Education is commonly referred to as the process of learning and obtaining knowledge at school, in a form of formal education. Generally, at the start of a very young age, children learn to develop and use their mental, moral and physical powers, which they acquire through various types of education. (www. coneweb. tripod. com) The process of education does not only start when a child first attend school. Education begins at home when the parent started to give knowledge to the child. This will be followed up by the education given by the teachers.
In almost all societies, receiving an education in school is extremely vital and necessary if a person wants to achieve success in life. Thus, education is the key that allows people to move up in the world, seek better jobs, and ultimately succeed fully in life. Getting a good education equips a person to survive in a competitive world. In a competitive world, the ignorant are either pushed into the sidelines or gobbled up by the powerful people. It is a fact that not all learning comes from formal schooling, but it is still a one sure way of making prospective employers aware of a person’s skill and knowledge.
In the current competitive society, a person needs all the advantages one can get in order to survive and to succeed. One of the advantages a person may have is the being tag as the top of the class and sometimes known as the cream of the crop. As a student, how can one be the cream of the crop? What do these students usually do to reach the top? According to Narayan (2006), successful students use different style and techniques to study. Applying the methods used will help students to reach the top.
There are five (5) techniques or strategies which almost all top performing students use. These are regular study habits, clear and definite goals, plan the process on achieving the goals, less stressed lifestyle and put importance on the study. Gaining an edge means being aware of the paths that are most needed in life. As a student, being on top would mean a better job and opportunities that would not just be a help to one self but also to the parents. VMA Global College, as an institution helps mould the students to be the best in their chosen field through discipline and education.
Students were usually given scholarships by the different shipping company during their stay in the institution. All top students of the institution land better jobs and career opportunities after the graduation. The study on the daily routine of the top students of VMA Global College would be the guide of the students to pursue better grades and to perform better in the subjects enrolled. It would also be the basis of the instructors and the administration for developing motivation strategies for the students. Statement of the problem
This study aims to determine the Daily Routine of top Students of VMA Global College as basis for developing motivation strategies for the students. Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of Top Students of VMA Global College S. Y. 2011-2012 in terms of: 1. 1 Course; 1. 2 Age; 1. 3 Gender; 1. 4 Parent’s Socio-Economic Status; 1. 5 Residency Status; 2. What are the Daily Routines of Top Students of VMA Global College? 1. 1 Personal Hygiene 1. 2 Attend Classes 1. 3 Study/Review lessons 1. 4 Eat 1. 5 Sleep 1. 6 Watch TV . 7 Browse Internet 3. Is there a significant relationship in the Daily Routine of top Students of VMA Global College when they are grouped according to: 1. 1 Course; 1. 2 Age; 1. 3 Gender; 1. 4 Parent’s Socio-Economic Status; 1. 5 Residency Status; Hypothesis In view of the aforementioned specific objectives of the study, the researchers advanced on the hypothesis: 1. There is significant relationship in the daily routine of Top Students when they are grouped according to (a) Course, (b) Age, (c) Gender, (d) Parent’s Socio-Economic Status and (e) Residency Status.
Theoretical Framework: People are centrally concerned with motivation especially on how to move themselves or others to act. Everywhere, parents, teachers, coaches, and managers’ struggle with how to motivate those that they mentor, and individuals struggle to find energy, mobilize effort and persist at the tasks of life and work. People are often moved by external factors such as reward systems, grades, evaluations, or the opinions they fear others might have of them.
Yet just as frequently, people are motivated from within, by interests, curiosity, care or abiding values. These intrinsic motivations are not necessarily externally rewarded or supported, but nonetheless they can sustain passions, creativity, and sustained efforts. The interplay between the extrinsic forces acting on persons and the intrinsic motives and needs inherent in human nature is the territory of Self-Determination Theory. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is a theory of motivation that represents a broad framework for the study of human motivation and personality.
SDT articulates a meta-theory for framing motivational studies, a formal theory that defines intrinsic and varied extrinsic sources of motivation, and a description of the respective roles of intrinsic and types of extrinsic motivation in cognitive and social development and in individual differences. Perhaps more importantly SDT propositions also focus on how social and cultural factors facilitate or undermine people’s sense of volition and initiative, in addition to their well-being and the quality of their performance. The theory was initially developed by Edward L.
Deci and Richard M. Ryan at the University of Rochester, and has been elaborated and refined by scholars from many countries. (http://www. psych. rochester. edu) The purpose of the study is to motivate the students and at the same time inspired the students to achieve better grades and a passing score in the upcoming exams. Through SDT’s intrinsic motivation the students will be able to be motivated in to improve their study habits and at the same time the instructors and administration will also be able to develop motivation strategies and programs for the students.
Conceptual Framework In this particular study, the researchers took into consideration the Daily Routine of Top Students of VMA Global College in terms of Personal Hygiene, Attendance in Classes, Study/Review lessons, Eat, Sleep, Watch TV and internet browser. In addition, it is hypothesized that respondent’s Course, Age, Gender, Parent’s Socio-Economic Status and Residency Status are factors which may affect their daily routine of top student. The researchers have presented the research framework on the following page (Figure 1) that shows how the variables are related with each other.
The dependent variable is the Daily Routine of Top Students like Personal Hygiene, Attendance in Classes, Study/Review lessons, Eat, Sleep, Watch TV and internet browser which is directly influenced by the independent variable that is the profile of the top graduating students of VMA Global College in terms of their Course, Year, Parents Socio-Economic Status, Gender, and Residency Status Once the daily routine will be established it will be the baseline of information in proposing for motivation strategies for improvement of students’ performance.
Daily Routine of Top Students of VMA Global College Profile of the Top Students in terms of: 1. Course 2. Age 3. Parents Socio Economic Status 4. Gender 5. Residency Status The Daily Routine of Top Students: 1. Personal Hygiene 2. Attend Classes 3. Study/Review lessons 4. Eat 5. Sleep 6. Watch TV 7. Browse Internet Independent Variable Dependent Variable Basis for developing Motivation Strategies for the students Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study Scope and Limitations of the Study
This study will focus on the daily routine of the top graduating students of VMA Global College S. Y 2011-2012. In the study, the daily routine are in terms of Personal Hygiene, Attendance in Classes, Study/Review lessons, Eat, Sleep, Watch TV and internet browsing and these may be affected by Course, Age, Gender, Parent’s Socio-Economic Status and Residency Status. The daily activity of the top student of VMA Global College will be the focus of this research; this will also help the administration to develop motivation strategies for the students of VMA Global College to make adjustments on heir daily routine or activity that may improve their classroom and school performance. The selection of respondents in only limited to the “top student” of the graduating class of VMA Global College S. Y. 2011-2012. Significance of the Study The result of this study will provide an idea to the ordinary students on how they can cope up with their studies. VMA Global College Administration. This study will help the administration develop motivation strategies for the improvement on the performance of the students.
Students who also wants to be included on top of the class. This study will provide an idea to ordinary students of VMA Global College on how to deal with their studies to survive college life and land a better job in the future. Company or donor of scholarship program. The result of the study will give them information and insight on how to motivate their scholars in maintaining good grades in class. Researchers. The study will inspire them to make adjustment in their daily routine to improve their academic performance in the last year in school.
Definition of Terms For the readers to understand the study, the researchers defined the key terms used both conceptually and operationally to ensure clarity and comprehension and to rise the interest of the readers for the better understanding. Parent’s socio-economic status. This refers to the economic and sociological combined total measure of a person’s work experience and of an individual’s or family’s economic and social position relative to others, based on income, education, and occupation. Parker, 2010) Operationally, this will refer to the economic status of the parents specifically the monthly family income and parents’ educational attainement. 14 Students. Conceptually, it is defined as a person engaged in study; one that is devoted to learning; a learner; a pupil; a scholar; especially, one who attends a school, or who seeks knowledge from professional teachers or from books (www. google. com) Operationally, this refers to the students of VMA Global College who are categorized as 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year BSBA, BSHRM, BSTM, BSIT and BSCS and 1st year and 2nd year Maritime Students.
Personal Hygiene. The science of health, its preservation and the prevention of diseases, the practice of measured designed to attain and preserve health. (The New Webster Dictionary) Operationally, it refers to taking a bath, brushing the teeth and wearing of uniform properly by the students. Class Attendance. To be present at, to accompany as an attendant to a company. (The New Webster Dictionary) Operationally, it refers to the frequency of the attendance of students in class. Watch Television. To observe someone or something attentively. The New Webster Dictionary) Operationally, this refers to one of the sources of entertainments of the students after classes. Eat. To take it through the mouth as food. (The New Webster Dictionary) Operationally, this refers to the eating habit of the students. Sleep. To be in the natural and regular state of inactivity. (The New Webster Dictionary) Operationally, this refers to the resting time of the students. Browsing Internet. The act of browsing an internet site. (The New Webster Dictionary) Operationally, this refers to one of the sources of entertainments of the students after classes wherein interaction is present.
Age. The effect of or undergo change with the passage of time. (The New Webster Dictionary) Operationally, this term discusses the age of the respondents. Gender. Any two or more subclasses that is partly arbitrary. (The New Webster Dictionary) Operationally, this term discusses whether the respondent is a male or female. Residency Status. A place of residence or territory. (The New Webster Dictionary) Operationally, this refers to where the students are residing whether at home, living with relatives and living at the boarding houses.