
English Newspaper Reading

English Newspaper Reading

COURSE TITLE: English Newspaper Reading [pic] INSTRUCTORS: Teachers of the English Newspaper Reading Group FOR STUDENTS: 2nd semester of the 1st year CLASSROOM HOURS: 2 hours / week [pic] A. OBJECTIVES With the advent of the information era, there is an increasing awareness that newspapers are living textbooks with a broad spectrum of applications in language classrooms This course is primarily designed for the course participants to investigate the key principles and major characteristics of English news.

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By the end of the semester, the students who complete this course successfully will be better able to: 1 Read English news with certain reading skills; 2 Demonstrate a critical understanding of the issue; 3 Appreciate the value of newspaper reading in language education; 4 Get familiar with the leading English newspapers in the world; 5 Recognize the different factors which dictate the strength and prominence of news stories; 6 Become more aware of the elements of journalistic styles, procedures, techniques of news writing and information gathering.

B. ORGANIZATION This course is purposely organized as a seminar with the following main components: Mid-term and term-end paper: Students have to prepare a 800-word (double-spaced) report both in the middle and at the end of the semester on the basis of personal reading related to any of the topics discussed during the course. Topic Presentations: Students divided in teams will be assigned to prepare oral presentations on one or more topics. The presentations should demonstrate their familiarity with research on the topic.

Class Participation: Students are expected to participate actively in class with verbal contributions based on personal experience and reading in relation to the class topic. Video Appreciation: Students will appreciate video with instructor to gain more effective understanding of journalism. Academic Lecture: Students may have the chance to participate in the academic lectures contributed by some famous professionals in the study of international journalism during the course. C. TOPICS (W1): Course Introduction (W2): Culture and Society (I) (W3): Culture and Society (II) (W4): Sports (I) (W5): Sports (II) W6): Politics (I) (W7): Politics (II) (W8): Gender (I) (W9): Gender (II) (W10): Economy (I) (W11): Economy (II) (W12): War and Military Affairs (I) (W13): War and Military Affairs (II) (W14): Flexible time (W15): Review (W16): Final examination (W17): Final examination D. SUPPLEMENTARY READING: Required Reading: 1 Claire Badaracco, Quoting God: how media shape ideas about religion and culture. Waco, Tex. : Baylor University Press, 2005. 2 Robert L. Stevenson, Global Communication in the Twenty-First Century. New York: Longman, 1994 3 Bob Franklin, Key concepts in journalism studies. London: SAGE, 2005 4 ??????. ???????.?? :??????? ,2001 5 ????. ????????. ?? :????????? ,2003 6 ???.?????????.?? :??????? , 2004 Recommended Reading: 1 Stuart Price, Media Studies. London: Pitman, 1993 2 Susan Pape, Newspaper journalism : a practical introduction. London: SAGE, 2005 3 Gans Herbert J. Deciding what’s news: a study of CBS evening news, NBC nightly news, Newsweek, and Time Evanston, Ill: Northwestern University Press,2004 4?????. ????????. ?? :??????? , 2002 5?????. 21??????????. ?? :????????? , 2003 6???. ?????????. ?? :??????? , 1989 Web Resources: Foundation for Information Policy Research (UK) http:// www. fipr.

Org The Modernist Journals Project www. modjourn. brown. Edu News Watch http:// www. newswatch. org National Research Council, Digital Dilemma: Intellectual Property in the Information Age, 2000 http://www. nap. edu/html/digital_dilemma/exec_summ. html International Telecommunications Union, “World Telecommunication Development Report 2003. ” http://www. itu. int/ITUD/ict/publications/wtdr_03/material/Chap4_WTDR2003_E. pdf Robert W. McChesney & Dan Schiller, The Political Economy of International Communications: Foundations for the Emerging Global Debate over Media Ownership and Regulation, 2002. ttp://www. unrisd. org/unpublished_/tbs_/chesney/content. htm Ryszard Kapuscinski, Media as mirror to the World http://mondediplo. com/1999/08/05media Bar and Sandvig, Rules from Truth: Post-Convergence Policy for Access, 2000 http://www. stanford. edu/~fbar/Publications/Rules_from_Truth. pdf http://www. theinternetforum. co. uk http://www. 21stcentury. com. cn E. ASSESSMENT: Mid-term and term-end paper: 30% Oral presentation:15% Examination: 45% Attendence and participation: 10% Total: 100%


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