Faculty Loading System
Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES The review of related literature and studies serves as a foundation and guide for the proponents to pursue the research. This chapter presents the gathered information that have a significant bearing on the study. Related Literature For the past several years, the official of the faculty senate have struggled with defining teaching loads at Gustavus for the purposes of determining overload situation and staffing allocations. Several ad hoc committees have looked into the matter, without resolution.
At least since the 1992-1993 school years, the Registrar has tabulated “Faculty Load” data by department, including number of sections (or contact hours) taught full time load (as determined by the department), enrollment, and enrollment per faculty. (C. F. Niederriter, 2007) Faculty overloading has been a known and documented problem since as long as the 1993 – 1992 school years, this fact adds to the teacher’s work burden as well as their availability for fruitful interaction with the students. Our proposed software will alleviate this burden and allows the teacher more time teaching and interacting with the student.
This will allow the teacher to feel more job satisfaction as well giving the student the feeling of a more personalized education within the system. Open standards Appointment Scheduling System is primarily designed for Institutions of Higher Education (IHE), but can easily being corporates into web solutions for a variety of business lines. The core functionality of the system allows designating faculty and staff to set schedule of availability and designate individuals enter the system and schedule appointments as needed with the faculty and staff. Graysail, 2008) Software with automatic scheduling for teachers workload that can be easily access by faculty members will be handy to everyone. While teachers expressed concern for their own workload, they expressed considerable concern that student’s needs were not being met. Teachers also expressed concerns with the exorbitant amount of paperwork associated with the documentation process. It’s time consuming. The proponent’s believed that the proposed study will lessen the time consumed when scheduling a faculty workload.
The faculty of the college should be well versed with all the technological developments related to the field. They should be able to answer the queries of the students with examples and references of the developments happening in the society. (Gurleen Kaur, 2010) Faculty scheduler should be efficient enough to load the right subjects to the right faculty according to their field of specialization. The students get highly influenced by the teachers in the college and the lessons taught by them.
Teachers are also regarded as the mentors for the students, because their teachings learnt by them guide the students. In an article entitled “The measurement of faculty workload”, it is said that before a measurement procedure can be decided upon, it is necessary to define what is being measured. To measure faculty workload, we need to know which activities are to be included in and which excluded. (Earley Peter,2008) To achieved a conflict and problem free schedule among the faculty. A system should have inputs of information based on the availability and capability of the faculty.
Avoiding conflict among schedules and work expertise will produce a harmonious relationship between the administrator, faculty and students as well. In the book Essentials of research and Thesis Writing, it is said that Computerization is means of simplifying production speed and accuracy for the work elements associated with the mass production. Technology has many available to user devices that can see a better and mechanism are more, more powerful, more precise, more consistent and fully more predictable, unlike human workers. They do not complain of human workers, they do not retain productivity. F. Bernardo, 2010) Computers and other technologies play a vital role in the life of many people. It changed the lifestyle of many individual and the way people do their job. Computers are used to remove excessive delays or improve the flow of information. SAMPLE RELATED STUDIES: E FACULTY LOADING Related Studies A study on a report on the Impact of Workload on Teachers and Student’s stated that Teacher’s expressed concern that higher level of frustration and stress due to a lack of assigned time to prepare classes can negatively impact on their interactions with students.
The lack of preparation time can also result in classes that are not planned/prepared as well as they could be. Further, when a teacher doesn’t have time to properly assess student work, in a timely fashion, and has little time to provide tutorial classes, remedial work for students who need extra help is often compromised. (Dr. Dibon, 2010) Having adequate preparation time is a critical factor to a teacher satisfaction. In this Study, the proponents aim to develop an “E Faculty Loading” that will help organize the teachers work load.
When teachers are satisfied with the amount of time they had for preparation they were much more positive about their work and profession in general. Manual system is retrieving, maintaining, security and filling of records consume lot of time and effort. There are some cases wherein misplaced of records are taking place because of the years gone by. Furthermore, these files were only kept in envelope, folder or wooden racks. There are also instances when the right information is given to the wrong person, which may affect quality of service. (M.
Cantonas, 2008) The need for a computerized system is very much essentials to establishments, especially schools. It provide a great help when it comes to organizing and speeding up process of work in offices. Senior Scheduling System is a powerful tool designed to help create school’s master schedule. The schedule created by the scheduling system can be analyzed, adjusted and rerun an unlimited number of times until the desired results are achieved. The power of Scheduling system will greatly reduce the time it takes to create school’s faculty schedules. Gordon Smith, 2007) It is important to have a system or software that is efficient, reliable and can adapt to different environment. Faculty loading done manually is time consuming. In today’s society, the use of modern technology is widely used to conserve time and energy. The use of computerized faculty loading will reduce the time in scheduling a faculty workload. A school has a limited amount of classrooms, labs, and lecture halls to hold courses in. Many full-time professors have only specialized areas of expertise within which they can teach, and have limits to how many classes they can take on.
Courses tend to have differing sizes, room requirements, lengths, credits, and even some restrictions on which other classes cannot be taught at the same time. (Kevin Soule, 2007) A faculty loading software should have inputs of the faculty information, their field of specialization, as well as the number of students and classroom where the course should take place. Every course that is offered has a set of parameters required to be assigned in order for it to be placed inside a schedule.