Thesis Proposal
THESIS PROPOSAL Proposed Thesis Title: Campus Wide Information System of Colegio de San Pedro Area of investigation and Programming Language to be used: John Michael Garments was established in 1995, they started with three embroidery machines contracting embroidery services in Eastland. After 3 years we added sewing machines and became a subcontractor in Novelty Philippines and Judy Garments. Due to economic low of demand in garments they try to make customized bull caps and the added special machines like double needles and began to make different kinds of caps.
Until the demand of their customers became high they eventually entered making T-shirts Jersey and Jackets. Now some of their valued customers are Jardy Marketing and Magic works. The tools that will be used in developing the study are PHP as the scripting language. JavaScript, CSS and JQuery will be used in addition for the enhancement aspect of the website. In storing data, the proponent will use MySQL for the database application and Apache for the web server applications. Reasons for choice of project: The researcher’s reasons for choosing the project are: . To automate the ordering, and inventory system of the business. 2. To promote the business products and services in the fastest manner to reach their vision and goals. 3. To provide clear articulation and better communication to the customer during business inquiry. 4. To provide fastest online advertisement of the brand name of the products of the company. 5. To build up the online customer bases for the products and reaching a large number of customers. 6. To provide services to the customers in twenty four hours a day. 7.
To provide an opportunity to John Michael’s Garments to be known in market 8. For the Jhon Michael’s Garment to monitor the availability of the product. 9. To provide online ordering data reports to the owner. 10. To provide owner and customers easy access in viewing the certain transaction through website. Importance of the study: Online Promotion, Ordering and Inventory System for John Michael’s Garments is an online web system that will provide online transaction such as promoting products and services, customer orders and inventory of the certain items.
The propose system is capable of doing business transaction with in 24 hours and provide complete business information to the customer. The propose system also provide good services such as high level of customer satisfaction and give growth to the company, clear articulation and better communication to the customer, fastest way of spreading a new product design with complete descriptions, direct communication with their target customer via company web interface and improve their relationship with the end-users, and this can significantly build up its customer bases and reaching a large number of customers.
Target User/Beneficiaries: The target users or beneficiaries of the study are: 1. Colegio de San Pedro Administration, Staff and Faculty 2. Students and Parents Software Description: The Online Promotion, Ordering and Inventory System for John Michael’s Garments is an online system, use to promote products and services, capable of online ordering system and inventory of the certain items. This system is capable of online business transactions and accessible with in twenty four hours and it contains user and admin accounts.
Software Feature: The software features are: 1. List of Product Information: this will allow the customer to view the sample designs and corresponding information of products to provide them the detailed ideas. 2. Inventory of Items: Allow the owner to monitor the in and out of the items. 3. Customer Inquiry: this will allow the customer to ask questions to the owner regarding their products and services. 4.
Comments: allow the customers to submit their comments and/suggestion regarding with their products and services to give an idea to the owner of what part of the products and services will be improved. 5. Monitoring of release products to the customer: allow the authorized personnel of John Michael’s Garments to monitor the completions of the released products to the customer. 6. Uploading Files: Allow the customer to upload Product information for the bases of their product order. . Downloading Files: Allow the authorize personnel of John Michael’s Garments to download the uploaded files (typically in a form of image files) from their customers. 8. Product Order: this is one of the important features of the proposed study, because this will provide transaction to the customers to submit their requested cloth design based on the acquired condition between owner and customers during their personal visitation o Jhon Michael’s Garments. 9. List of transactions: this will allow the owner to view all transactions of what the customer requested such as list of product orders. 10. Lastly it will display the background of John Michael’s Garments with regard to the history and personal information of the owner such as name, address, etc. The system has user and admin accounts. Users can perform their transactions such as inquiry, order, uploading of files, and they are apable to their records such as personal or description of orders and send comments to the owner. On the other hand, Administrator can view the list of inquiry, orders, personal data of customers and comments. The administrator can download customer Report or Files, reply customer comments, and perform inventory of the items. The website has the registration form, so that everyone will be able to create an account and be a member of the John Michael’s Garments website.
For the identification and validation, they need to log-in using Log-in Form as authorized person of their account of the JM-Jhon Michaels Garments site so that they will be able to access available transactions and view new products. Recommending for approval: Approve by: ____________________________ _________________________ Chairman of Committee COLLEGE DEAN