
Competition and Regulatory Policy
CARLETON UNIVERSITY Department of Economics ECON 4302 Competition and Regulatory Policy Instructor: D. G. McFetridge Fall Term 2011 Office: A806 Loeb Building Phone: 613-520-2600 ext. 3748 E-mail: donald_mcfetridge@carleton. ca Office Hours: Mondays, 2:30 p. m. – 3:30 p. m. and Thursdays, 11:30 a. m. – 12:30, or by appointment COURSE WEB SITE: www. carleton. ca/~dmcfet/courses PREREQUISITE: ECON 2030 with a grade of C- or higher or ECON 2003 (no longer offered) with a grade of C- or higher. COURSE FORMAT: Lectures: Thursdays, 8:35 a. m. – 11:25 a. m. Room: St.
Patrick’s 400 EXAMINATIONS: There will be one midterm examination. It will be held in class from 9:00 a. m. – 11:00 a. m. on Thursday October 27, 2011. There will also be a 3-hour final examination scheduled during the exam period in December. In the determination of the overall final grade for the course, the midterm examination will have a weight of 25%, and the final examination will have a weight of 45%. There is no deferred or “make-up” midterm. Students who can document a compelling reason for not writing this exam will have its 25% weight automatically added to the final exam.
ASSIGNMENTS: Students are required to submit a 2000-word essay. The essay will have a weight of 30% in the determination of the final grade. The essay is due on or before Thursday, December 1, 2011. Suggested essay topics and references are listed after the course outline below. Students may choose to write on any topic covered in this course but all 1 students must obtain the approval of their topic by the instructor no later than Thursday, November 10, 2011. Students must submit an essay on a topic approved by the instructor by the December 1 deadline in order to pass the course.
PAUL MENTON CENTRE: “Students with disabilities requiring academic accommodations in this course are encouraged to contact a coordinator at the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities to complete the necessary letters of accommodation. After registering with the PMC, make an appointment to meet and discuss your needs with me at least two weeks prior to the first in-class test or itv midterm exam. This is necessary in order to ensure sufficient time to make the necessary arrangements. ” TEXTBOOK: W. Kip Viscusi, Joseph E. Harrington and John M.
Vernon, Economics of Regulation and Antitrust Fourth Edition (Cambridge, MIT Press, 2005) MAJOR REFERENCE BOOKS: Dennis W. Carlton and Jeffrey M. Perloff, Modern Industrial Organization Fourth Edition (Addison Wesley Longman, 2005) Jeffrey Church and Roger Ware, Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach (Boston, Irwin McGraw Hill, 2000) The Church and Ware text is out of print. It can be accessed electronically at: http://homepages. ucalgary. ca/~jrchurch/page4/page4. html COURSE OUTLINE: 1. Introduction: Competition, Market Power and Economic Welfare D. G.
McFetridge, “Lecture Notes on Basic Concepts in Industrial Organization and Competition Policy” Modules 1 & 2 http://http-server. carleton. ca/~dmcfet/courses/lectures3. pdf Church & Ware, Ch. 2 Carlton & Perloff, Ch. 3 2. Introduction to Economic Regulation Viscusi, Harrington & Vernon, Ch. 1, 2 & 10 D. G. McFetridge, “Economic Regulation of Business” http://http-server. carleton. ca/~dmcfet/personal/Notes%20on%20Regulation. 2. pdf Church & Ware, Ch. 24 Carlton & Perloff, pp. 686-690 2 3. Regulation of Natural Monopoly Viscusi, Harrington & Vernon, Ch. 11, 13, 15 Church & Ware, Ch. 25, Ch. 26. 1, 26. 2 Carlton & Perloff, pp. 91-713 C. R. Carlson, “Performance Based Regulation of Utilities: Theoretical Developments in the Last Two Decades” (Van Horne Institute, 2010) http://www. vanhorne. info/files/vanhorne/Performance%20Based%20Regulation%20Rep ort. pdf 4. Regulation of Potentially Competitive Markets Viscusi, Harrington & Vernon, Ch. 16 Carlton & Perloff pp. 714-720 5. Deregulation Viscusi, Harrington & Vernon, Ch. 17 Church & Ware, Ch. 26. 3 Carlton & Perloff pp. 721-733 Edward Iacobucci, Michael Trebilcock and Ralph Winter “The Canadian Experience with Deregulation” University of Toronto Law Journal 56 (Winter, 2006) pp. -74. Robert Crandall, “Extending Deregulation: Making the U. S. Economy More Efficient” http://www. brookings. edu/~/media/Files/Projects/Opportunity08/PB_Deregulation _Cran dall. pdf 6. Introduction to Competition Law and Policy D. G. McFetridge, “Lecture Notes on Basic Concepts in Industrial Organization and Competition Policy” Module 3 http://http-server. carleton. ca/~dmcfet/courses/lectures3. pdf Viscusi, Harrington & Vernon, Ch. 3 Carlton & Perloff, pp. 632-42 Church & Ware, Appendix, pp. 889-900 7. Market Definition Church & Ware, Ch. 19 Carlton & Perloff, pp. 42-47 8. Horizontal Agreements Viscusi, Harrington & Vernon, pp. 116-149 Carlton & Perloff, pp. 379-386 and 648-66 Competition Bureau, “Competitor Collaboration Guidelines” (May, 2009) http://www. competitionbureau. gc. ca/eic/site/cb-bc. nsf/eng/02987. html 9. Horizontal Mergers Viscusi, Harrington & Vernon, Ch. 7 Church & Ware, Ch. 23 Competition Bureau, “Merger Enforcement Guidelines” (2004) http://www. competitionbureau. gc. ca/internet/index. cfm? itemID=1245&lg=e 3 10. Vertical Mergers & Vertical Restrictions Viscusi, Harrington & Vernon, Ch. Church & Ware, Ch. 22 Carlton & Perloff, Ch. 12 11. Price Discrimination Viscusi, Harrington & Vernon, Ch. 9 Church & Ware, Ch. 5 Carlton & Perloff, Ch. 9, 10 and pp. 674-76. 12. Monopolization & Abuse of Dominance Viscusi, Harrington & Vernon, Ch. 9 Church & Ware, Ch. 20, 21 Carlton & Perloff, pp. 350-378 and 661-673 Competition Bureau, “Updated Enforcement Guidelines on the Abuse of Dominance Provisions of the Competition Act” (2009) http://www. competitionbureau. gc. ca/eic/site/cb-bc. nsf/eng/02942. html SPECIAL TOPICS—READINGS AND POSSIBLE ESSAY TOPICS: 1.
Usage-based billing by internet service providers Telecom Decision CRTC 2011-44 Usage-based billing for Gateway Access Services and third-party Internet access services http://www. crtc. gc. ca/eng/archive/2011/2011-44. htm 2. The decision of Investment Canada regarding the proposed acquisition of Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan by BHP Billiton http://www. law. utoronto. ca/visitors_content. asp? itemPath=5/5/4/1/0&contentId=2068 3. Interchange fees paid by merchants and the Competition Bureau’s Price Maintenance case against VISA and Mastercard http://www. ct-tc. c. ca/CMFiles/CT-2010010_Notice%20of%20Application%20pursuan t%20to%20section%2076%20of%20the% 20Competition%20Act%20-%20Price%20Maintenance_1_38_12-15-2010_7965. pdf 4. Restrictions on the operation of virtual office websites by real estate brokers and the Competition Bureau’s Abuse of Dominance case against the Toronto Real Estate Board http://www. ct-tc. gc. ca/CMFiles/CT-2011003_Amended%20Notice%20of%20Application_10_45_7-7-2011_4561. pdf 5. The proposed merger of the London Stock Exchange and TMX and the proposed acquisition of the TSX by the Maple Group 6.
Time-of-use pricing of electricity Donald Dewees, “The Price Isn’t Right: The Need for Reform in Consumer Electricity Pricing” C. D. Howe Institute Backgrounder No. 124, January 2010 http://www. cdhowe. org/pdf/backgrounder_124. pdf 4 “Ontario Energy Board, Smart Price Pilot Final Report,” July 2007 http://www. oeb. gov. on. ca/documents/cases/EB-20040205/smartpricepilot/OSPP%20Final%20Report%20-%20Final070726. pdf 7. Deregulation of Canadian air passenger transportation John Christopher and Joseph Dion, “The Canadian Airline Industry” (Government of Canada, Depository Services Program, 89-2E, 2002) http://dsp-psd. wgsc. gc. ca/Collection-R/LoPBdP/CIR/892-e. htm Iacobucci, Trebilcock and Winter “The Canadian Experience with Deregulation” University of Toronto Law Journal 56 (Winter, 2006) 8. International open skies agreements (also the refusal by Canada to grant additional landing rights to Emirates Airlines in 2010) Thomas Ross and William Stanbury, “Policy Proposals for Enhancing Competition in Canadian Airline Markets” Canadian Transportation Act Review, Ottawa, 2001 http://www. reviewctaexamenltc. gc. a/CTAReview/CTAReview/english/reports/ rossstanbury. pdf D. G. McFetridge, “The Role of Sectoral Ownership Restrictions” (Competition Policy Review Panel, 2008) http://http-server. carleton. ca/~dmcfet/personal/Microsoft%20Word%20%20Foreign%20Ownership%20Restrictions. 4. pdf 9. Taxicab regulation in Canadian cities City of Ottawa, Taxi Licensing Issues, http://www. ottawa. ca/residents/permits/taxi/taxi_licence_en. html Hara Associates, City of Edmonton: Assessment of Changes in Edmonton Taxi Demand