Responsibilities of Nco and Leadership
Responsibilities of NCO and Leadership (Responsibility: is being accountable for what you do or fail to do. ) Responsibilities of NCO Leadership is showing and leading by example. I failed to lead and show by example by not show up on time after lunch hours. During those times soldiers are showing up on time and looking for guidance and direction for the next task at hand for that day’s mission. As an NCO I have earned my position by leadership, knowledge and respect, by not following up to them I fail my 1st line leadership and the rest of my chain of command of not showing them.
It also affects the direction and army’s intent that the army has already set; showing up on time. If every NCO and subordinate was late the army would not have discipline. I fail to have discipline. I CPL Payne know this and know the responsibilities I am upheld to. Maintain accountability of my soldiers come first as being a Team leader. My soldiers look at me first for I am there leader. Showing up on time is being professional at what I do and completing morning and daily accountability and task to insure that my soldiers are setting the standards and responsibilities that there held up to.
I wasn’t professional by not showing up on time and taking charge. I also failed myself as I know I can do better than that. As I know I DO want to go to the promotion board I have to showing that I really want it. The entire examples I have showed will have to take effect for this can work. It takes only me to make a difference for the next soldier coming up. Personal appearance and cleanliness of my soldiers is another responsibility, this issues that they are showing up in the proper uniform along by showing and leading by example.
Responsible for the individual training is my main concern during work hours. I know that I am the beginning of the NCO corps. I am part of the corps and I understand that I am the backbone of the Army. As a corporal I have to stand up to my job wearing the rank that’s held so high in respect for maintaining soldiers. Soldiers and I as a team leader are responsible of personal conduct. As a team leader this shouldn’t be an issue that needs to come about. As a leader my two basic responsibilities is the accomplishment of the mission and the welfare of my soldiers.
As I am a part of the NCOs corps I am responsible to fulfill not only my soldiers’ individual duties, but also to ensure that my team and squad are successful. As Team leaders work together as we should our platoon will be successful. As doing this, we shine to be the best platoon in the company but it starts with the Team Leaders. As an NCO, it is important that I show up on time. I could miss movement or I could compromise my leadership accountability when accountability is taking place during hit times or formations.
Failing my soldiers not leading them in daily mission or a war could affect their lives or their respect for me. My coercive power affects my behavior influences my soldiers to perform as the way I do if I am late or not competent at my position and respected rank. My task is to check statues with appointments and person issues that need to be reported to my 1st line so things can get handled. If any appointments or task has being set, when I do my job by showing up on time and assuring that my soldiers are on time my job is to check progress.
I am a critical link in the NCO channel. I work with my soldiers every day and am responsible for their health, welfare and safety. To gain their confidence I need to earn them by responsibility and influence of leadership style that show. My job is to teach them to maintain and account for their individual and unit equipment and property and I am their leader that maintains those set standards. I will earn their loyalty and show them the way of commitment and to build spirit including confidence along with the Army values.
My performance affects my country and to complete the mission and keep our nation free from terrorism. This involves me for the need of discipline. Coaching and counseling grooms my soldiers for future positions of increased responsibility. One day my soldier with need to know what right looks like from my examples. Being team leader evolves me to teach everything from the making of sound and timely decisions to physical training to ethics and values.
My duty is something I must do by virtue my position is a legal and a moral obligation. I should and will uphold those obligations. For my job I have no choice but to do what’s ethically and legally correct. Making the right choice and acting on it when faced with different issues. As a Team leader I know some things get mixed around and communication is not so direct, I should ask for clarification from my 1st line or the person that gave me that order. To be a good Team leader I need to learn what types of authority I have.
The authority will be followed upon how I carry myself and the way I act along with my duties required of me. One other responsibility for to show up on time is so that Information can be passed to me through my 1st line, If I’m not on time than I fall my soldier for the task at hand for that day or for future events the week or month. It’s important that I learn from my mistakes and get better every day so that don’t fail my leadership and the company goals. As a NCO I understand what’s upheld to me.