The Perfect Family
Name: Tutor:Dr. Course:College Writing Seminar Due Date: The issue that the “perfect” family is present in an important part of the advertisement, represent the idea that the people still want to live in that way, because the reality as Gary Soto show us is very different and difficult, and in the other hand as Coontz explain the ideal of this perfect family represented in the 50s generate more nostalgic and desire of any other idea if family lived in other decade.
The perfect family is different of the real family in that the perfect family live in a scenario in which are no major problems with a very structured routine as Gary Soto explain, living a life which is not affected by external variables, and the real family in the other hand has different nuances in which are observed everyday problems and where it has be to solved, besides being a participant in a number of variables that affect daily living.
There is a trend to idealize the past as Coontz says, being idealized the decade of the 50s by the presence of this perfect family, however, this perfect family hide problems as serious as sexism, racism and intolerance among others, being exposed that the existence of the perfect family is nothing more than a myth. At present, the perfect family is idealized because it offers a utopian alternative in which people can live better, although there is evidence that even in the best case in the pursuit of the perfect family are presented important collateral effects in other topics.
The publicity that is currently being developed provides recurring images of the perfect family, showing that the idealization of the perfect family and the aspirational sense that it represents remains as a constant in the advertising in time as an effort to associate products with the perfect family because it is an important driver of purchase.
The presence of this “perfect family” in the advertising presents an unachievable fact and made to the society emphasizes its “imperfection”, being an advertising tool that despite meeting its goal to “idealize” the product in question, can lead to frustration in consumers, who buy the product even though they will never be that oft-mentioned “perfect family”. ? BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Soto Gary, “Looking for work”, 1995. 2. Coontz Stephanie, “What we really miss about the 1950s”.