The Pert Studebaker Case
The Pert Studebaker. Case Study Case Background From 1916 to 1966, Studebaker automobiles were manufactured in South Bend Indiana. Vicky Roberts became owner of Roberts’s Auto Sales and Service (RASAS) when she inherited a Studebaker dealership. RASAS is a diversified business that includes three sales and service car dealerships, two…
Postmodernism: Mis-En-Abime
Postmodernism: Mis-En-Abime There have been multiple literary and artistic movements that have swept the globe in the last 300 years. Many which have changed the way in which we perceive the world. One such movement has been toward so-called postmodernisms. What are postmodernisms, and how have the come to be…
American Way of War
As Americans, do we ever think about how other Americans view the American Way of War? Do Americans ever stop to think about the fact that even though we read the same books and watch the same TV news program that we all grow up in different homes which have…
Pobby and Dingan
Word Count: 293 Pobby and Dingan Statement of Intent: Thoughts from Kellyanne Ben Rice’s short novel “Pobby and Dingan” demonstrates many emotions through such a brief story. This Australian tale it is at one point a beautiful narrative taken place in the childhood of Ashmol Williamson, which quickly turns into…
Internal Control and Risk Evaluation
Internal Control and Risk Evaluation Accounting Information Systems 542 October 10, 2011 Analyze the risks in the systems that your team analyzed An Accounting Information System is an integral part of the new design of Kudler’s computer system. Accountants do not necessarily need to understand completely how computers process data…
Market Targeting
Market Targeting After a firm has identified the various market segments it might pursue, it evaluates each segment’s attractiveness and decides which to pursue using a process known as target marketing or simply targeting. Example: Disney realizes that its primary appeal for the Magic Kingdom is to young families so…
Cis-500 Midterm
1. 50 Points Choose one of the opening cases from chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Answer the opening case questions found at the end of section 1 and section 2 for the corresponding chapter. Be sure to list the chapter and the title of the case in your…
To Tell or Not to Tell? the Ethical Dilemma of the Would-Be Whistleblower
This article was downloaded by: [ ] On: 03 November 2011, At: 06:11 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Accountability in Research Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:…
Understanding Students Strengths and Struggles
CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF AN ARTICLE POINT: What are the main points or arguments the author(s) make in the article? What are the key inferences and conclusions the author(s) make? The article I chose is entitled “Understanding Students’ Strengths and Struggles. ” Overall, the main points of the article focus on…
Hourly Rounding
Hourly Rounding ? ? ? Jessica Williams Technical Communications Allison Johnson November 2010 Have you ever felt like you have been running from call light to call light your whole eight hour shift, haven’t had any time to sit down to chart, and didn’t even get a chance to get…