Austens An Unusual Love Story English Literature Essay
Pride and Prejudice is one of Jane Austen ‘s most celebrated, extremely acclaimed and a authoritative romantic novel of all times. The book was foremost published in 1813, and its narrative revolves around the lives of the two chief supporters, Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy, who are blinded by their premises and desires, and the people they are surrounded by. Jane Austen elegantly leads her readers through the nineteenth century, where the narrative is really set, but, yet, retains a captivation for modern readers, go oning to be one of the most popular novel of all times.
Pride and bias are the two sides of the same coin. Harmonizing to Everett Zimmerman “ Pride is detachment from other human existences in which the ego is non seen as involved in other, but superior to them, as unconcerned. Prejudice is the antonym of pride ; the ego is wholly involved with others, and everything is interpreted as it affects the ego. ” ( Zimmerman, 65 ) Many bookmans such as Fried Schleiermacher and Hans-Georg Gadamer have debated about the word ‘Prejudice ‘ used in the Jane Austen ‘s novel and argued that all apprehension is truly dependent upon pre-understanding due to testimony or personal experience. An single ever has prejudgement of what he or she encounters in life, which may or may non be confirmed. Though when an single learns that his or her decision about a affair was incorrect, “ they readjust their generalised position, which becomes the prejudgement to avoid the future tax write-off about the same phenomena ” ( Joseph, 683 ) Austen has reasonably good focused on these two words ‘Pride ‘ and ‘Prejudice ‘ , and has expressed both of these emotions within the characters of her novel.
In Austen ‘s novel, she has got two chief characters named Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy. Elizabeth Bennet is a chief supporter. She is the 2nd girl of Mr. Bennet at the age of twenty old ages old, who is intelligent, smart, lively, attractive, witty and vocal. Her pride in her ain ability to analyse character is strong as she refuses to reconsider her ideas about Darcy. Fitzwilliam Darcy, the male supporter, is a affluent proprietor of the estate Pemberly in Derbyshire. He is one of the most celebrated personalities in the state, 20 eight old ages old, fine-looking, tall and intelligent. His bias or ‘pre-understanding ‘ ( Joseph, 683 ) leads his determination against the Bennet household and chiefly against Jane Bennet, elder sister of Elizabeth Bennet.
Pride plays a really of import function in Pride and Prejudice because it is a changeless beginning of misinterpretation and misunderstanding. Austen has shown huge sum of pride among extremely socialized people like Caroline Bingley, sister of Charles Bingley, and Lady Catherine de Bourgh, Mr. Darcy ‘s affluent aunt. Although every character in the novel has pride in them, the novelist has extremely shed visible radiation on Elizabeth ‘s pride because it is her pride that shapes up the narrative of the novel. At first, when Elizabeth encounters with the Bingleys and Mr. Darcy at the ball, she admires Mr. Bingley as a fine-looking adult male and she besides says “ which a immature adult male ought likewise to be, if he perchance can. His character is thereby complete. “ ( Austen, 24 ) Although, her first feeling about Mr. Darcy was non really sound, she finds him really nescient and rude. Subsequently that dark, when Elizabeth tells her best friend, Charlotte about Bingley and Darcy, they both agree that a adult male as complete and every bit fine-looking as Darcy should be a proud adult male. They can understand that facet of his personality. But they do n’t experience that his right to hisA prideA should give him the freedom to be ill-mannered and contemptuous to other people. Elizabeth has a pride of her ain rational thought, and she expresses it through her degage attitude and her love of express joying at others. She explicitly shows her pride in herself when Jane is discoursing the dance at the ball with Mr. Bingley. She says “ Compliments ever takes you by surprise, but me ne’er. ” ( Austen, 24 ) Elizabeth believes that the determination she makes are right and although she considers Charlotte ‘s suggestion that Jane moving so controlled around Bingley might do a miscommunication. Elizabeth finally decides her ain program for Jane to maintain distant with Bingley is the best program. Harmonizing to R. C. Fox, Elizabeth ‘s purposes with the program were besides to salvage her sister from the humiliation of being dumped if Bingley turned out to be a simpleton. As the narrative returns, Elizabeth ‘s ideas about Darcy acquire worse. On the other manus, Darcy is seeking to do familiarity with Elizabeth with his uneven manner, she considers it really ill-mannered and her pride gets in her manner to acquire insulted by his visual aspect and intelligence. It is her pride that misleads her judgement about Wickham and Darcy. A She was so annoyed that Darcy was n’t blandishing to her from the beginning that she refused to allow herself see his goodness. By the same item, she was so carried off with Wickham ‘s appeal and flattery that she did non see his fraudulence. George Wickham is an officer in the reserves unit stationed near Meryton. His appeal, good visual aspect and pleasant mode enchant the Bennets sisters, particularly Elizabeth. He spread legion narratives to Elizabeth about the wrongs Darcy has done to him, and she believes him because of his appeal and coquettish mode.
Austen has portrayed Darcy as a reasonable, good educated and royal individual who is non really good in pass oning with aliens. His shyness with Elizabeth plants against him. She assumes with Darcy ‘s shyness to her as being rude to her because of his pride of his royalty. Though with Darcy ‘s intelligence and wise determinations concerned with his estate of Pemberly, he has bias of his ain. Darcy sometimes unconsciously assumes that unequal money or low societal positions are features that disqualify people from get marrieding or loving each other. When the Bingleys and Darcy leave Netherfield, Ms. Bingley notifies Jane through a missive with the purposes of her brother sing matrimony. She fallaciously informs Jane that Bingley has emotions and feelings for Darcy ‘s sister, Georgina Darcy and he intends to get married and settle with her. While reading the missive and the intelligence, Jane is heart-broken and she is supported by her sister, Elizabeth. Although, subsequently on in London, when Elizabeth discovers from Darcy ‘s cousin that Darcy “ congratulated himself on holding recently saved a friend from the incommodiousnesss of a most imprudent matrimony. ” ( Austen, 342 ) she feels atrocious and disgusted. The following twenty-four hours, when Darcy confesses his fondness and love towards Elizabeth and proposes her to unify with him, she refuses the proposal. She confronts with the reference of him being rude to her in the first topographic point, and begs him his right to get rid of the relationship between Jane and Bingley. She besides accuses Darcy for non being a loyal friend to Wickham, and making unfairness to him.
Darcy could non show and explicate Elizabeth the ground behind the accusal made by her, thereby he confesses through a missive. He concedes the imputation of the separation of Bingley and Jane. His “ pre- apprehension ” ( George, 683 ) or bias about the Bennet household is the chief cause of his determination of dividing his friend Bingley from Jane. As Darcy was analyzing Jane ‘s behaviour and fondness towards Bingley in Netherfield, he was non satisfied. He had a concern for Bingley, and doubted Jane with her emotions in the relationship. She was reserved in forepart of Bingley as instructed by her sister Elizabeth. Darcy besides did non happen Jane ‘s household except Elizabeth really pleasing, as they were bad-mannered and societal climbers. He assumed the pride in Bennet household of acquiring Jane married to Bingley for the cause of money.
Harmonizing to R.C.Fox, in Austen ‘ novel, the several traits of Elizabeth and Darcy are pride and amour propre. He said ” Pride relates to sentiment of ourselves, amour propre to what we would hold other think of us. “ ( Fox, 185 ) Although Elizabeth is much concerned with about what Darcy thinks of her, Darcy is wrapped up in himself. He does non care for what others have sentiments about him, as he is unmindful that Wickham provoked people against him in town with the false narrative. Fox besides claims that the guilt of bias made by Elizabeth is non telling, as she has adequate evidences. The grounds given by Fox are the contemptuous comments made by Darcy, his efforts in interrupting the relationship between Bingley and Jane, and disloyalty and unfairness toward Wickham. Despite his claims against the novel ‘s chief emotions are slightly plausible, there are few occasions when Elizabeth is guilty of bias, instead than amour propre. Fox ‘s justification about the guilt of bias to Elizabeth is improper, as she losingss some of the power of favoritism in her judgements on Darcy. She gives precedence to her pride in rational thought, when Darcy tells her bias thought against him, she replies back at him with crust. As the narrative returns, Elizabeth overcomes with defects of her pride, when she examines the beauty of Darcy ‘s estate in Pemberly. She regrets in rejecting Darcy ‘s proposal as she says “ I might hold been mistress! With these suites I might now hold been familiarly acquainted! “ ( Austen, 448 ) Darcy ‘s bias is dissolved when Elizabeth narrates her side of the narrative about Jane ‘s feelings.
Despite of all the misconceptions, misjudgments, and wrangles between the chief characters of the novel, they swallow their pride and admit they are in love. Jane Austen wins her readers bosom by exposing how two people rise above the pride and bias and acquire married. The incidents, ideas and subject of the novel are so bewitching and fascinating to the readers that they can easy associate to their ain lives. In malice of different sentiments and unfavorable judgment the novel has received, Pride and Prejudice still stands out as one of the most loveable novels of all times.