The Disadvantages of Mobile Phones for Children
Mobile phone is considered as an important thing in human life nowadays. We no longer rely on public phones that once we did. The mobile phones users are not only people that come from the working class, but also children as young as six years old. Is mobile phone really that important? There are a lot of disadvantages of using mobile phones which involves children from age 6 until 13. Health, financial and social issues are among of the topics that related with the disadvantages of using mobile phones for children.
Children’s health affected from the use of mobile phones because it contains magnetic waves. Mobile phones contain magnetic waves which is dangerous to human especially young children who immune system doesn’t enough develop yet. They might suffer a severe disease such as brain cancer. Compare to the adult, the children have the potential to be affected is higher. Thus, the use of mobile phones affected the children health. Another issue that related with mobile phones is financial.
When the parents let their children to use handphone from the early age, they tend to get distracted and use it without any limitation. Children will not consider the amount that have to pay when they use the handphone. Moreover, they tend to follow the latest style of handphones. They will want to buy the latest handphones’ design or buy the handphone’ gadgets, without even considering the amounts they have wasted. Therefore, handphones have caused bad effect for financial. Not only that, the most affected is children social style in terms of friendship and love.
In friendship, they are likely to procrastinate when they started to SMS their friend. They will chit chat until the wee hours in the morning and left their school work. What make it worst is when they fall in their ‘puppy love’ relationship. They will start to bring their phone everywhere and SMS their partner whenever they can. This irritating symptom will make their academic grades go down and later caused them problem in academic. So, handphone is bad when it comes to children’s social issues as they involves in bad friendship and love.
Among the issues that always been discussed on the topic of mobile phones uses among children are social, financial and health. Children will get distracted when they use handphones to call their friends and their boyfriend or girlfriends. As for financial aspect, they wasted their money for meaningless things or just to follow the latest trends. Furthermore, mobile phones are not good for children’s health as it contains dangerous magnetic waves. As a conclusion, there are a lot of disadvantages of the use of handphones especially for children as they still at young age.