
Demonstrative Communication Bcom/275

Demonstrative Communication Bcom/275

Demonstrative Communication BCOM275 Demonstrative Communication Everyday people are involved in the activity of communication. We cannot imagine our world without everyday people’s interaction. We need to speak when we buy a new car or have dinner with our families. We need to listen when we attend a lecture or are interested in a piece of news, and we have to respond when asked to tell the shortest way to a destination. All of these are communications. However, communication is so much more than just words.

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We sometimes communicate without saying a word at all, sometimes we communicate not exactly what we say, and sometimes we are just reading the morning newspaper, which is a communicative act as well. In this paper I will mostly be talking about other types of communication which are different from speech. In general it is demonstrative communication. Demonstrative communication is any of the communicative acts that demonstrate something instead of saying it. What is it that actually demonstrates and in such a way transmits the information to the receiver. Demonstrative communication is through actions such as touch, clothing, and expression.

It is also through bodily movements, facial expression, posture, and looks these are all demonstrative communication. Often we show non verbal communication without our own will to do so. We can have an impression that our friend is sad not really knowing how we came to that conclusion. It proves that non verbal communication is natural and it is displayed unknowingly by all people. That fact that non verbal communication can be unintentional makes it hard to understand. As verbal communication serves to transmit information the non verbal one is to transmit emotions and attitudes.

Non verbal communication and verbal communications go hand and hand, it is hard to have one form without the other. Hand and facial gestures may be seen as visible acts of communication and meaning. Fundamental emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust or surprise are recognized all over by any person. However, happiness and be true or fake. For example, if a sender is talking accompanied by a fake happiness, it may have an opposite effect on the receiver. A receiver may start to doubt what the sender is saying because they feel that something is wrong, that what is being conveyed and the non verbal signs do not coincide.

Such a situation can lead to communicative failure which is bad for the sender. Thus, the demonstrative communication can be effective and ineffective. It proves effective if the communicative task was achieved and ineffective if the sender failed to communicate as they wanted. Voice tone also plays a part in effective or ineffective communications. By the tone of the voice a receiver can tell if the sender is happy, sad, or irate. Demonstrative communication can also be positive or negative. The attitudes you convey through non verbal means of communication can be either positive, sense of trust, interest, and friendliness.

Demonstrative communications can also show confidence. On the other hand, Demonstrative communication can also be negative disinterest, distrust, and arrogance. With words we can transmit anything, but no verbal signs show the real state of a sender and receiver. People trained to conceal these signs can have influence on us. For example, if an experienced sales assistant wants to sell a new fly fishing rod but the customer does not need a new rod he displays confidence and makes the customer trust him, and not himself. In such a way people can be influenced and even manipulated to some degree.

However, knowing the actual meaning of facial expressions, body positions, and other non verbal tips can help recognize the actual intentions of the information sender and make a conclusion. The understanding of non verbal behavior can also help a interviewee be successful. Social behavior is a skill and as such can be taught and learned. Communication skill training is used for employment and occupations such as law enforcement, teachers, and military personal. This is also applicable in case of an interview for a job position, for example.

In order to be hired, the interviewed person has to be calm and confident; they should also seem friendly and likable, though at the same time be highly professional. Demonstrative communicating is divided into effective and ineffective, positive and negative. The proper usage and understanding of non verbal signs can help people in communicating both personal and professional. As facial expression and body movements are recognized all over the world. In conclusion I would like say that demonstrative communication not only complements but also adds to and improves communication.


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