Inaccuracy of Iq Tests
Inaccuracy of IQ tests IQ tests have widely gained imminence especially in the corporate world in the selection of employees as well as in schools in order to measure the intelligence of children. These tests began in 1904 in France whereby the government wanted to distinguish between the children who were considered intellectually normal from those who were construed to be inferior. This was done with an intention of placing more emphasis on those students who were inferior.
Alfred Binet who developed Binet scale in response to the government’s request warned that there was a possibility of misusing these tests since they are not accurate in measuring individual’s intelligence (Khalfa 55) According to him, intelligence qualities cannot be measured in the same manner as the linear surfaces. Intelligence is not a single score and most of the tests fail to capture various individuals’ abilities. However, the many of the tests that are being developed focus on a single scale which makes them inaccurate in measuring people’s intelligence.
Intelligence entails various skills such as logical reasoning, critical thinking skills as well as problem solving. It is worth noting that . IQ tests basically consist of both verbal and performance segment. In every verbal level subtest, there are explicit areas which include verbal fluency, testing vocabulary, expressive language as well as memory skills. On the other hand, visual-spatial capabilities, numerical skills, fine motor harmonization, ability to perceive things, rational logic skills, as well as speed makes up the performance level in IQ tests.
There is a common misconception that IQ tests are the best measures of Intelligence. However, these tests are far from perfection in measuring intelligence. These tests in the actual sense test individuals’ capacity for intelligence and not necessarily intelligence. Ii is worth mentioning that such tests fail to rest on learned information, rather, thy test individual’s capacity to learn information, which cannot be taken to be a measure of intelligence. Therefore they are not accurate in measuring intelligence (Buzan and Keene 67).
Essentially, an IQ test often measures an individual’s performance based on numerous indicators, relative to other people. The test measures as well as analyses the test taker’s performance based on a chain of analytical, arithmetical as well as spatial activities. The achievement on such activities is then presented as an IQ score. There are no grounds in which such tests can be considered to be perfectly accurate. Scholars agree that intelligence cannot be correctly defined and therefore, no single individual can claim have improvised an IQ test that is correct.
It is not logical to develop an IQ test whereas the term has not been clearly defined. It’s not yet clear what is measured in IQ tests. Evaluating the tests critically, one would notice that they fail to test individual’s creativity, intrinsic motivation, spiritual talents, musical affinity, interpersonal; skills as well as non-academic talents among others. The tests only focuses on individuals’ response to given questions, therefore, people with talents in other areas beside academic may be construed to lack intelligence (Sternberg 25).
Even though in the standard definition intelligence tests consist of logical reasoning skills tests, problem solving tests and critical thinking skills tests, one would not fail to questions applicability of the tests on a critical evaluation. In terms of definition, there are no skills that can be defined. For instance, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) is an IQ test that comprises of verbal as well a performance segments.
In every subset of the verbal scale, depending on aspects such as vocabulary, particular knowledge, expressive language as well as memory skills, one finds out that performance vary significantly. On the other hand, in the performance scale, fine motor coordination, perceptual skills, and visual-special capacity as wee as speed subsets become indispensable for scoring. This means that IQ tests to a large extent measures what an individual has learned and not necessarily his or her capability (Richardson 132).
IQ tests are not effective in testing people with learning disabilities. It is worth noting that such individuals often have deficiency in one of the skills that make up the tests, for instance, memory, language and fine-motor coordination skills among others. The side effect of this is that, they may end up scoring lower on IQ scores compared to individual who do not have such problems. This may not be a good measure since such individuals could have identical problem solving skills as well as logic reasoning skills.
It is worth noting that the lower score could be due to leaning disability of an individual and such IQ tests could be underrating the actual individual’s intelligence. This shows that IQ tests are not accurate in measuring what they purport to measure (Bock, Goode & Webb 32). There have been assumptions that people with low IQ scores are poor readers, however, the assumptions have been disapproved in various circumstances whereby some people with low IQ scores have emerged to be excellent readers.
This clearly elaborates the reasons that would make an individual question accuracy of the tests. Conclusion Despite IQ test gaining wide recognition in schools as well as in the corporate world, it is apparent that they are not accurate measures of individuals’ intelligence. There is no single operational definition of intelligence and yet people have continuously devised IQ tests. Some of these tests indicate that individuals with learning disabilities score low compared to those without the disability. However, on other variables, such individuals perform better.
This indicates that inaccuracy of the tests ensues. Works cited Bock, Gregory R. , Goode, Jamie A. & Webb, Kate. The Nature of Intelligence. Chichester: Wiley. Novartis Foundation Symposium , 2000. Buzan, Tony and Keene, Raymond. Buzan’s Book of Genius: And how to Unleash Your Own. London: Stanley Paul, 1994. Khalfa, Jean. What is Intelligence? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Richardson, Ken. The Making of Intelligence New York: Columbia U. Press, 2000. Sternberg, Robert. Why Smart People Can Be So Stupid New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002. .